Past Pictures Of The Week
These pictures are usually one-off pictures, rather than belonging to a set, and are taken on a whim when something catches my eye.
The pictures are in chronological order, with the earliest picture at the top. Click on a thumbnail to see a larger version of the picture.
Lincoln College Library
Radcliffe Camera lit by Harry Potter spotlight
Flooding in Marston
Statue outside Radcliffe Infirmary
Lincoln Rector's window with blind
New College Cloisters
Eye Reflection
First Sketch
Sketch 25
Sketch 26
St. Giles bus-stop in Keble
Time And Relative Distortion In Space
Exam Sunset
3 Carnations on Notes
A portrait session with Krys
Morris at the Hockenheimring
Belltowers of University of Pavia
Bubbles forming on the ripples in the bottom of a pint glass of lemonade
Kake and Kami
Flowers in the Paddox
Sun hits Magdalen Tower. See also the rest of the set
Japanese Maple, Paddox Garden
Floods, Jan 2003; Rest of set
SUCS beach BBQ; Rest of set
Bricks used in construction of new garage at Clarkson Rd
Copyright 2008 Arthur Bullard.